Wednesday, November 25, 2009

For Your Entertainment

Adam Lambert's new music video is finally here !! I've loved him from the beginning and this seals the deal. He has the voice and he's deff got the looks, and now he's got the music videos :) Enjoy !!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Nightmares !!!

Last night I had this horrible dream and I can't get it out of my head.

My dream:  I was in a room with my brother.  He had a bunch of silverware that he was using to predict the future.  At the end of whatever he was doing with the silverware, he threw the knife and I had to slap it.  Once my hand hit the knife, it broke.  He said that meant I was going to die.  I then started following him around screaming "Is it true?  Am I going to die?".  He wouldn't answer me, but, right before I woke up he did say something to me.  I don't remember what it is that he said, but I do know that it was not a yes or no answer.

I automatically thought of my surgery when I woke up.  I was at peace with the surgery, but now I am officially frightened.  Any dream interpreters out there that can give some advice ???

Monday, November 16, 2009

Back Photos

I got a couple of requests to post pictures of my back as before pictures for my surgery.  Here they are.  Like I said, it really isn't that noticeable, but I know it's there.  I'll post one with a striped shirt so you can see how the shirt pulls.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Rib Hump

A rib hump is one of the results of scoliosis.  Since the victim's spine is curved and twisted, it results in pushing the rib cage and making it protrude on one side of the victim's back.  I do have a rib hump.  It is not noticeable, but I know that it's there.  I also have to be more conscious about what clothes I decide to wear.  Stripes and really tight clothes without an under shirt make my rib hump a lot more noticeable.  The largest cosmetic perk of the spinal fusion was the elimination of this rib hump which I have HATED my whole life.  It makes me very self consious and upset that I can't wear a lot of clothes that I would really like to wear.  It's also very uncomfortable to not be able to lean up against a chair b/c ur rib hump hits the flat surface first.

That being said, I spent the last week doing a lot of research on rib humps and whether or not it will go away after the surgery.  It looks very promising that my rib hump will dissapear, despite my surgeon saying that it will only improve around 50%.  It seems as if surgeons only say that b/c it is not guaranteed to dissapear.  If there was no rib hump, there is a good chance that I would not choose to have this surgery now.  It really has been the largest motivator in my descion. 

One thing in particular that I learned is that many times patients decide to have parts of their ribs removed in an attempt to make this rib hump completely go away.  The results to this addition to the surgery is EXTREME pain.  Every person that I spoke to that has had this addition to the surgery has said it hurt a million times worse where the ribs were removed than where the fusion took place.  Another food for thought is the negative effect rib removal has on the lungs.

Just a couple of things to think about... Let me know what you guys think :)

Friday, November 06, 2009

Pre-Operation Testing

I was led to believe that I was going to have to be put through some serious pre-operation testing.  I just got note from the doctor and all he will need is some blood tests, bending x-rays, and an examination from the hospital's physician.  This is a serious relief after hearing about the brutal tests most patients have to endure.  Word is the tests were more harsh than the actual surgery.  Apparently my age has spared me from these tests.  Another great reason for getting this done at an earlier age!  My surgeon's assistant already booked the date for the Pre-Operation testing for me.  December 22 is the date.  The time is going by so fast...

I can only hope and pray that everything goes according to plan.  As the time gets closer, I get more nervous.  I'm getting second thoughts and that's not good!  I have to be strong and be confident in my body and my surgeon.  Now, how to stop the nightmares...