Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Vegan Vs. Surgery

My grandmother and I got into a little tiff two days ago.  I am a vegan and she feels that this is going to negatively effect the outcomes of my surgery.  Her argument is that I am not getting sufficient amounts of protein and iron which is going to cause complications either during or after my surgery.  While I agree that I do need a healthy amount of protein and iron, I can not bring myself to eat a rotting piece of carcass.  I make up for this by eating a lot of beans, soy products, and green vegetables. Although she recognized that I do eat those things, she said that she would not be convinced until I contacted my surgeon.

I spoke to my surgeon directly and he stated that a vegetarian diet is a GREAT diet if done correctly.  He told me to make sure that I am consuming enough iron b/c vegetarians are commonly deficient in it.  I also found out that the surgical assistant who would be performing my surgery is a vegetarian himself.  (Great Omen =D )

Result:  My grandmother and I compromised.  She understands that I can't and won't eat meat, but she insists that I occassionally have dairy products or eggs.  We also agreed on me eating fish once in a while.  Since she has been there for me through all of this and she is the one who is going to take care of me after the surgery, I was glad to put her at peace of mind.